Thursday, November 23, 2006

I just hurt

It's an amazing process to go through. I'm going along, having a pretty good day, when suddenly something knocks me for six. Today I was telling the counsellor about the help desk job. It was posted originally in Early October. I prepared a resume of beauty and jam-packed content. The wage was about 3/4 what I make, and outside of any union, although there are still bennies and stuff.

So. I applied, thinking that although I was vastly over-qualified, I was so desperate to be out of where I was, were they to offer me the job, I would snatch their hand off taking it. Well. The closing date came and went. Nothing. Next thing I know, the job is reposted, with a new closing date a month later....and do I get and email? a call? a form letter saying "Gee, we appreciate your interest, but we are still looking for a better person". No. Not even a "Well, we can't tell you WHY you suck, but if no one better comes along, you can keep your application in"

Nothing. Not so much as a By Your Leave.

I have a chat with someone in the IT office "In the Know"

IM with h

Me: word from G at all. Do you have any idea what the Help Desk story is?

h: talked with G

Me: oh yes?

h: the scenario is he is unable to make direct contact with any of the applicants due to potential conflict with the hiring process and no this is not a line of total crap

Me (derisively):lol

h:the hiring committee decided they needed to repost

Me: nice

h:now - remember the hiring committee probably consists of P, HR and
one trustee

Me:Right-- so, the upshot is still that I would be wasting my time reapplying

h: G has 1 vote on the committee - if the committee as a whole doesn't feel there are at least 3 candidates of suitable qualifications, then they repost they need a field to interview now - G would not say that you did not have qualifications - he explained clearly he could not that again would provide evidence of a conflict should anyone in the hiring pool grieve later

Me (acrimoniously): Well, there isn't a question that I have the qualifications-- there is obviously "someone else" they are looking for

h:we both discussed your extreme value to the school district and the need to have you in a position

Me (exasperatedly): pffffft

h: were the only qualified one from the field and there were no other qualified ones to compare you too....G knows how valuable you would be in any distance learning scenario that would arise it's almost like - you are walking through a manure field and you need to hold your nose a little longer without suffocating! it is a very tricky balance and you have been asked to do it far too long

Me (defeatedly): well, that will never happen, though, because they will never place me in a temp contract or move me mid year--I am about done.

h: you have been royally screwed - and you have a right to contest any posting remember too - any new position posted mid year has to be reposted come June

Me: I can't content excluded positions, and I cannot (read: will not) wait until next June, and then the June after that....and the June after that.........

h:I might need to take some personal time before it all gets toooooo very much

Me (indeed, done): Anyway-- I'd best go teach my class, or risk getting fired from a job I hate

As I write this, the second posting of the job ends tomorrow at 4. I wonder if I'll get a call over the weekend? I said to h.

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